The offering is a gift to God after our tithes.


2 Corinthians 9:11, “You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.”


  1. ENRICHED: It is God’s desire to enrich you so you can be rich in giving. God’s blessings are to go to you and then through you!
  2. BE GENEROUS ON EVERY OCCASION: How can we be generous on every occasion? By sacrificing and always giving our best. Every time we give our best to God it is considered a sacrifice because we could have spent the money on something we personally wanted.
  3. THANKSGIVING TO GOD: When we give generously and sacrificially God is pleased with our offering. Also, the people we bless as a result of our offerings will give thanks to God for receiving what they need. For example, when you give to the mission’s offering the people will be extremely thankful to God for your help and support!


True generosity in offerings comes from a heart of sacrifice because you could have spent the money on yourself.


  1. Be a faithful tither.
  2. Sacrifice your wants and desires to give generous offerings.
  3. Thank God for the chance to give and help others!

The offering is a gift to God “after” the tithe and is given in a “variety” of ways.  God said it should be a “generous” “seed” given with a “cheerful” heart from personal “sacrifice.” Offerings will always bring “thanksgiving” to God because they go towards “charity” and ministry “supplies.”  We give offerings in “obedience” to God’s Word, “sharing” with others our blessings with a “gracious” heart by “imitating” Jesus and revealing where our “treasure” really is.