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The Journey to Citizenship and God’s Faithfulness

October 7, 2024


Today, I stand before you not just as a pastor but as a newly sworn-in U.S. citizen. My journey to this moment has been long, filled with challenges, and many seasons of waiting on the Lord. From being undocumented to a DACA Dreamer, to becoming a permanent resident, and now, after 30 years, receiving my U.S. citizenship, I see clearly how God has been with me every step of the way.

This personal story isn’t just about achieving citizenship in a country—it’s a reflection of our spiritual journey and how God’s faithfulness sustains us as we move toward the promises He has for us.


Isaiah 40:31 (KJV):

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”

Sermon Points:

I. The Season of Waiting:

  • Many of us go through seasons of waiting, whether it’s for a breakthrough, healing, or in my case, a citizenship status. The journey can feel long and uncertain. For me, there were times when the dream of becoming a U.S. citizen seemed impossible. But God’s Word tells us that waiting on Him is not passive; it’s a time of preparation and trust.
  • In the waiting, God is working behind the scenes, shaping us, refining us, and preparing us for what’s to come. In my case, He was teaching me to rely not on my own understanding but on His timing and provision. We wait, not in despair, but in hope.

II. God’s Strength in the  Journey:

  • Isaiah 40:31 says that those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. There were times in my life when I felt weak—when the path to legal residency and citizenship seemed blocked. But in those moments, God renewed my strength.
  • Just as the eagle soars high above the storms, we too can rise above our challenges when we rely on God. This verse is a promise that we won’t just survive our trials, but we’ll come through stronger.

III.  The Promise Fulfilled:

  • Finally, after years of waiting, I was sworn in as a U.S. citizen. It happened the same day I passed my interview—just like that, the journey culminated. It was a powerful reminder that when God moves, He moves swiftly. What seemed like a long and difficult process suddenly turned into a day of celebration.
  • God is a God of fulfilled promises. Just as He was faithful in my journey, He will be faithful in yours. The process may be hard, but the outcome is worth it.

VI. Citizenship in Heaven:

  • While we celebrate citizenship in earthly nations, let us not forget that our ultimate citizenship is in heaven. Philippians 3:20 reminds us, “But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • The journey toward eternal life requires perseverance and faithfulness. Just as I pursued legal citizenship for years, we as Christians are called to pursue our eternal inheritance by following Christ daily. This citizenship cannot be earned through works; it is a gift through Jesus’ sacrifice.


  • Are you in a season of waiting? Remember, God is faithful. He knows the desires of your heart, and He’s using this time to prepare you for what’s next.
  • Maybe you’re facing a battle today—whether it’s financial, emotional, or spiritual. Know that God will give you the strength to rise above it. His grace is sufficient for you.
  • As you journey through life’s trials, hold on to the promises of God. Just like He brought me through my journey to citizenship, He will bring you through whatever you are facing.
  • Have you claimed your heavenly citizenship? Just as the process of earthly citizenship can be long and complex, the path to eternal life is a journey. But the reward is far greater than any earthly blessing.


As I stand here today as a U.S. citizen, I want to testify to God’s faithfulness in my life. From the challenges of being undocumented, to the hope given by DACA, to the security of permanent residency, and finally to becoming a citizen of this great country, I can say with confidence: God is faithful.

No matter where you are on your journey, trust in the Lord. Wait upon Him, and He will renew your strength. He is working all things for your good, and in due time, you will see the fulfillment of His promises.

Closing Prayer:

Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your faithfulness. Just as You have guided me through my journey to citizenship, we know You are guiding each of us through the challenges we face. Help us to wait upon You and trust in Your timing. Renew our strength and remind us that our ultimate citizenship is with You in heaven. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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